
Do you have a question about taxes in Spain? Click here, answer within one business day. Easy, no costs.


Special arrangement for sportsmen in Spain unfortunately abolished

Previously, there was a favorable tax arrangement for sportsmen who temporarily moved to Spain for work, better known as the Beckham rule. The rule still exists but since 2015, athletes have explicitly been excluded.

Since we still receive questions from athletes about this regulation, and this had an important impact, we like to maintain this page.

But we continue to make it easy for athletes

If foreign athletes are fortunate enough to be contracted by a Spanish club, such as footballers, hockey players and basketball players, or to hold Spain as a training base, such as cyclists, their stay in Spain is usually temporary and usually a maximum of a few years.

Athletes want to focus on the sport and not have peripheral issues around them. The consultant from home country remains in charge and has the challenge to find a good contact in Spain, with which can be communicated in English or preferably even in their own language, with experience in the field of sportsmen and cross-border taxation.

For these advisors and supervisors, we would like to be an advanced post in Spain. We make it easier for the advisers, and the athlete can continue to focus on sport.

Send us easy your question

Do you want more information about this subject or do you want us to take care of your tax returns in Spain?

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You are very welcome. No costs.